Posts Tagged ‘church’

The Truth or Not The Truth

Posted: May 18, 2012 in Bible, Church, God
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The church has existed for 2000 years and since day one we have been persecuted. It will be so until Jesus returns. Even so I will not stand idly by and watch it happen.

The church has stood for good since its beginning yet we are accused of being haters if we dare to speak the truth. There is something wrong with that mindset.

If we dare to suggest that homosexuality is wrong, as are other sexual sins, we are called haters.

How can be wrong to speak the truth in love? If someone is at heading toward a cliff would we not warn them? If we see a house on fire wouldn’t we call for help? Do we not have the right and yes the responsibility to speak up?

The hot button issue today is homosexuality. Do we not have the right to have a discourse on this or any subject? Yes the Bible says homosexuality is wrong; it says a lot of things are wrong. People like to bring up the that the Old Testament calls for the killing of homosexuals and other sinners. But when they brought an adulterous woman to Jesus to stone her, Jesus prevented it by pointing out that they were sinners too. This shows us that we are to treat all sinners with love. Christianity teaches us to love all people matter who they are or what they are or what they do. Unlike Islam which teaches to kill sinners especially homosexual but no one seems to bring that up.

Some call God a cosmic killjoy because he tells a certain things are sins. Is a parent a killjoy when he tries to prevent his child from doing something that will bring harm? God said one man and one woman married for life for a reason. It is a way to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. If everyone was monogamous there would be no sexually transmitted disease. If you live a promiscuous life you will likely get an STD, possibly a fatal one. Even if you’re straight and have sex with multiple partners you will most likely end up with a sexually transmitted. Or an unwanted pregnancy.

You have the right to not believe in God or the Bible. You can decide to live your life any way you chose, but if you find there is a God you will have to answer for your actions. You will not be able to say that no one told you.

This is not the time for the church to be silent. We need to stand up for what we believe in. And God willing until Jesus returns we should do that till the day we die. Even if that means dying at the hands of someone who disagrees.

This week is Vacation Bible School at our church. It’s always a lot of fun. This week our church has been transformed into a tropical rain forest! The kids seem to really love it.

It is a tremendous amount of work, setting up, teaching, and I always seem to be more tired than if I’d worked my regular job, but it is so worth while.

This week we have 5 year olds – a little younger than I’m used to, but so far they’ve been fun. Plus I’m working with my best friend and my oldest daughter – another couple of pluses.

We have about 180 kids. It amazes me every year. A good bit of them are kids that normally come to our church anyway, but most of them are kids who probably never come to church. I’m sure many parents see it as “free babysitting.” That’s okay – bring ’em on.

These kids sit and look at you with such wonder and expectation. It makes you think a bit of how Jesus taught the masses. And it makes me want to be a better teacher – more like the Master.

We have such a responsibility to the next generation. I told my friend, if nothing else, we show them that church is a fun safe place to be. May I be counted worthy of the task.

The Poor You Shall Always Have With You

Posted: October 31, 2009 in Church
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Recently our church printed a quote by Dr. Adrian Rogers. I’d like to summarize it but it’s short and to the point: “What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”

Wow. Good words. Dr. Rogers passed from this life long before the current political environment, but it’s almost as if he was a prophet.

In response to these words someone said “but aren’t we supposed to take care of the poor?” And it got me to wondering what the Bible really does say about “the poor.” I mean, I’m all for giving and helping but what are we called to do exactly?

I searched the word “poor” in and here’s what I learned:

Most of the time when Jesus used the word “poor” it was in the sense of preaching to them, (eg. “the Gospel is being preached to the poor.”) or he reminded the disciples that “the poor you shall always have with you.”

Only once did he directly command someone to sell all he had and give to the poor, when he told the rich young ruler to “sell all he had and give to the poor.” (See Luke 18) But this seems to me to be an extreme example of teaching someone where his heart truly was. His treasure really was on earth.

In the very next chapter (Luke 19), Jesus encounters Zacchaeus who, after having his sins forgiven, declares that he will give half of everything he owns to the poor. Jesus seemed to have heartily approved of that.

So why tell one man to sell everything he owned and give all to the poor, and then turn right around and give his blessing to someone who says he’ll only give half? Because it was a matter of the heart. Jesus knew Zacchaeus was sincere and had repented, and that he still needed to live. Now that he’d lost his job as a tax collector, he’d need money to start a new profession.

There was only one verse I found that Jesus explicitly told his followers that they should sell all they had and give to the poor: Luke 12:33 “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.” But when this is read in context you can clearly see that Jesus was teaching his disciples that life was more than possessions and that we should not worry about “things” because God will take care of our needs.

Additionally, I looked back at the original Greek for the work we translate “poor” in Luke 12:33. It means “compassionateness.” We are indeed called to have compassion on the poor and help where we can, but to expect us to blindly give what we have worked for to those who have not worked for it, is not what Jesus had in mind.

I continued checking the rest of the new testament, and neither Paul nor any of the writers ever gave a command to do anything for the poor, but they did commend those who did so. See Acts 9:36 and Romans 15:26 for examples. The closest thing to a command is James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” And there are several other passages where it was obvious that the early church went out of their way to take care of widows.

Contrary to todays thinking that everyone is entitled to a handout “just because,” the Apostle Paul taught that work was something every Christian should expect to do.

Ephesians 4:28 “He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.” Clearly, he expected that Christians would work.

And in case you’re not sure that this is what Paul had in mind, look at 2 Thessalonians 3:10-11 “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”  We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies.”

America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles but we have drifted away from that so far that the Founding Fathers would not even recognize this nation. It is not a Christian principle to have the wealth distributed evenly among those who have not worked, it is a Communist principle. The same principle that teaches there is no God and that the government is all-powerful. Remember if the government is powerful enough to give to all they are powerful enough to take from all.

I have no problem with helping those less fortunate who truly need help. I have no problem with disabled people getting help. But I have a problem with those who come here illegally and put their hands in my pockets. I have a problem with those who will not work but expect me to take care of them.

America was built by people who worked. They worked the land, they built the railroad, they built the highways, and the factories of the industrial age.

Work is not a dirty word. It’s wrong to expect the world to give you a hand out if you are able bodied. A hand up maybe, but not a hand out.