Posts Tagged ‘Bible’

The Truth or Not The Truth

Posted: May 18, 2012 in Bible, Church, God
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The church has existed for 2000 years and since day one we have been persecuted. It will be so until Jesus returns. Even so I will not stand idly by and watch it happen.

The church has stood for good since its beginning yet we are accused of being haters if we dare to speak the truth. There is something wrong with that mindset.

If we dare to suggest that homosexuality is wrong, as are other sexual sins, we are called haters.

How can be wrong to speak the truth in love? If someone is at heading toward a cliff would we not warn them? If we see a house on fire wouldn’t we call for help? Do we not have the right and yes the responsibility to speak up?

The hot button issue today is homosexuality. Do we not have the right to have a discourse on this or any subject? Yes the Bible says homosexuality is wrong; it says a lot of things are wrong. People like to bring up the that the Old Testament calls for the killing of homosexuals and other sinners. But when they brought an adulterous woman to Jesus to stone her, Jesus prevented it by pointing out that they were sinners too. This shows us that we are to treat all sinners with love. Christianity teaches us to love all people matter who they are or what they are or what they do. Unlike Islam which teaches to kill sinners especially homosexual but no one seems to bring that up.

Some call God a cosmic killjoy because he tells a certain things are sins. Is a parent a killjoy when he tries to prevent his child from doing something that will bring harm? God said one man and one woman married for life for a reason. It is a way to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. If everyone was monogamous there would be no sexually transmitted disease. If you live a promiscuous life you will likely get an STD, possibly a fatal one. Even if you’re straight and have sex with multiple partners you will most likely end up with a sexually transmitted. Or an unwanted pregnancy.

You have the right to not believe in God or the Bible. You can decide to live your life any way you chose, but if you find there is a God you will have to answer for your actions. You will not be able to say that no one told you.

This is not the time for the church to be silent. We need to stand up for what we believe in. And God willing until Jesus returns we should do that till the day we die. Even if that means dying at the hands of someone who disagrees.