Posts Tagged ‘babies’

Modern Day Child Sacrifice

Posted: February 4, 2012 in Uncategorized
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In ancient days a false god called Molech was worshipped. This god is mentioned in the Bible (Leviticus and Jeremiah) and in secular texts. One of the requirements made of adherents was child sacrifice. Yes, worshippers would sacrifice their own living children to this detestable god. Indications are that the children were burned in fire – alive. Not even quickly and mercifully (if we can even use that word in this case) with a slice to the jugular, but burned alive. They would play loud drums during the “ceremony” to drown out the screams of the child, no doubt.

Why would a parent do such a thing?

They believed if they sacrificed to this god, they would be blessed financially – better crops, and future fertility (kind of an oxymoron there). So the main reason for the child sacrifice was economic. There was probably a social side too: everybody else was doing it. Had to keep up with the Joneses you know.

As far as I know, modern people aren’t sacrificing there children to Molech. Or are they?

I submit that abortion is nothing but modern day sacrifice to Molech.

Think about it – what are the reasons that women have abortions? Economic: “I can’t afford a baby right now.” “If I have a baby now I won’t be able to finish school.” “A baby would just make my life so inconvenient.”

Social: “If I have a baby now I won’t be able to spend time with my friends.” “If I have this baby my boyfriend will leave me.” “None of my friends have babies.” “My parents will be mad-ashamed-upset at me.” “I just don’t have time in my life right now for a baby.” “My boyfriend is pressuring me to ‘get rid of it.'”

So as far as I can tell having an abortion is just a way to keep from messing up your life with an inconvenient “thing” so we have these abortions just as the ancients did to bring possible prosperity to their lives.

Sadly, since abortion was declared legal over 53 million babies have been eradicated. Possible cures for diseases, scientific advances, great literature, music, all lost in the minds of 53 million children who were not even given a chance. What’s that you say? Some would have been born in poverty. So was Ben Carson, Some may have had disabilities. So did Beethoven. Some may have had profound conditions. So does Stephen Hawkings. (While I disagree with him philosophically I will agree he has a great mind.) Some may have been handicapped. Who are we to judge a valuable life? I know someone who has Downs and is retarded but she brings more joy to peoples’ lives that I do.

An unborn baby is not really a person you say? Then why do young women show off sonograms of their unborn babies? “Look at my baby! Isn’t he precious? They said it’s a boy! Look!” We all either have done that or know someone who has. We celebrate the life in them. It’s not a life? Tell that to the father who puts his hands on his wife’s belly to feel the baby kick.

A baby is not really a person you say? Then why do women considering abortion change their minds when shown a sonogram of their unborn child?

Planned Parenthood was founded in 1916 ostensibly to help the poor and make every child a “wanted child.” Don’t be deceived, PP is a business in it to make money. And they have been rolling in the dough since 1973. THEY ARE NOT A CHARITY. They are a business. Like the priests of Molech who were the real economic winners in ancient days, so are PP. Speak to women who’ve had abortions and ask how they really feel about aborting their child. Only PP prospered from their decision.

Further, know that PP was founded by Margaret Sanger who was a eugenicist who believed that eradicating blacks, handicapped, and other “undesirables” would create a race of thoroughbreds. Nice white kids. Sounds like another mad 20th century person – Hitler. Here’s a link to Margaret Sanger quotes. Words from her own mouth:,

KIt is sad that in America we think we can better our lives by sacrificing the unborn. We are no better than those who sacrificed to Molech.